Parish Council Meetings
Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council holds Parish Council Meetings once a month. They are usually held on the fourth Thursday of each month and commence at 6:30 pm. The meeting will finish at 9:00 pm or before in accordance with Council Standing Orders. The meetings are currently held by Zoom remote
The dates and times of the meetings may vary from time to time, so please check the Agendas which are shown on the website and Parish Council Noticeboards for confirmation of the exact date and time.
Agendas for each meeting will usually be available to view on the website a week before the meeting date, together with the unadopted Minutes from the previous meeting. Unadopted Minutes do not become an official record until approved by the Parish Council.
2024 Meetings
2023 Meetings
2022 Meetings
2021 Meetings
2020 Meetings
Contact Us
Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council
DE21 2HR.