Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council has moved into new offices at Cromford House on Amber Drive, Langley Mill. This is next door to our old office.

Our new office comes with its own meeting room that will allow Parish Council meetings to be held on site, thus avoiding the necessity to rent out an additional meeting room once a month as the Council has previously done.

The new office is still a work in progress being in a refurbished section of Cromford House and still has a few things to be ironed out. One is that we unfortunately do not yet have a dedicated telephone line installed although our supplier is working hard to correct this. We offer our sincere apologies to anyone that has tried and failed to contact us by telephone over the past few weeks – we do appreciate how frustrating it must have been.
Please use this telephone number to contact us until further notice – 07949 646000.
We apologise for any inconvenience.