Parish Council Notices
Parish Councillor Vacancies
YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! Co-Option of Parish Councillors. Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council currently has four vacancies for members of the public to become a ParishCouncillor. If you feel you would like to get involved in making decisions about your local...
Amber Valley Borough CouncilElection of Parish Councillors for theALDERCAR & LANGLEY MILL PARISHDate of Election: 04 May 2023 Download PDF Document
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II (1926 – 2022)
It is with great regret that we hear of the death of Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the...
ALDERCAR & LANGLEY MILL PARISH COUNCIL YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! Co-Option of Parish Councillor Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council currently has a vacancy for a member of the public to become a Parish Councillor. If you feel you would like to get involved...
Use of Social Media
Aldercar and Langley Mill Parish Council Public Notice dated 7 April 2020 Please note that Social Media posts of individual councillors, when posted in a personal capacity do not represent the views of the Parish Council as an organisation or the Members and Officers...
Your NHS needs you!
Your NHS needs you! Join our team today. NHS Volunteer Responders has been set up to support the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak. To do this we need an 'army' of volunteers who can support the 1.5m people in England who are at most risk from the virus to stay well....
CORONAVIRUS Allotment Notice
To All Plot Holders Following the Government announcement on 23rd March regarding social movement restrictions we have been asked to clarify the situation regarding allotments. Earlier this morning Michael Gove, in response to a query about what constitutes 'daily...
COVID-19 Restrictions
Here are the major points in regards to COVID-19 restrictions. From 23/03/2020 people in Britain will be allowed to leave their homes for only “very limited purposes” - shopping for basic necessities; For one form of exercise a day; For any medical need; To travel to...
PUBLIC NOTICE CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 CLOSURE OF OFFICE TO THE PUBLIC Due to the current pandemic and advice from the Government on social contact the Parish Council Office has been closed for routine visits from members of the public and contractors. For the time being...
Christmas / New Year Closure
Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council wish residents a Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year. OUR OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS FROM 11.00 A.M. MONDAY 23RD DECEMBER 2019 UNTIL 9.30 AM MONDAY 6TH JANUARY 2020 IN AN EMERGENCY CONTACT THE CLERK MR A SHARPE ON...
Contact Us
Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council
47b Cromford Road,
Langley Mill,
NG16 4EH