How is the Parish Council Financed
The Parish Council raises money through the Precept. The Precept forms a small but significant part of the local Council Tax. Through the raising of the Precept, the Parish Council is able to help maintain and improve local services and facilities as well as employing its staff. The Precept figure for Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council for the year 2017/2018 remains the same as the previous year at £86,000.00 with no increase.
At the end of each financial year the Parish Council must produce a set of accounts which are audited by an internal and external auditor.
The final audited accounts are available to be viewed by prior appointment at the Parish Council Offices at the end of the financial year.
Contact Us
Aldercar & Langley Mill Parish Council
c/o 25 Wilmslow Drive,
DE21 2HR.